Online Resources

Links to awesome, inspiring, motivational spiritual content and online groups
Choose Joy Now This is the site to find “52 Tasks for Spiritual Growth” It is the home for the Arizona Spiritual Growth Foundation, a 501(c)3 non profit entity devoted to supporting people of all faiths with practical tools for individual spiritual growth.
Spirit and Life Bible Study Spirit and Life Bible Study began on July 28, 2010 and ran for almost 8 years. With over 300 Bible-packed episodes, its purpose is to look at the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible through a Swedenborgian lens. It is called “Spirit and Life” because Jesus says in John 6:63 that his words are spirit and they are life.
offTheLeftEye This YouTube channel offers videos that look at life and death through the Bible and the perspective on it through Emanuel Swedenborg’s writings. View an array of educational and entertaining video formats where host Curtis Childs and featured guests explore topics such as the afterlife, angels and spirits, near-death experiences, God, spirituality, and how they relate to modern-day spiritual growth seekers.
New Church Journey – Spiritual Growth Programs New Church “Journey Programs” (spiritual growth programs) are relevant, step-by-step, Bible-based programs designed to assist you in growing spiritually and applying God’s teachings to your everyday life. Sunrise Chapel hosts one Journey program each year, generally from the end of January through the beginning of March.
Caring for Marriage Marriage is important to us. We are here to offer support to people both before and during the process of building a marriage.
Begin a New Life Begin a New Life is a universal, faith-based program that helps you make and sustain any life change that you want or need to make, one or two changes at a time. It doesn’t matter how big or small the change is, this program can help. As you go through the Begin a New Life process for different issues in your life, your life is steadily, even miraculously transformed. You grow in personal clarity and power to choose, and you rise to new levels of hope and promise that are meaningful and lasting.
The New Church Web portal for our denomination.