
Thank you for your generosity. Financial contributions to Sunrise Chapel will be accepted with gratitude and used to support the church’s noble causes.
Our congregation members and friends are our biggest supporters. You improve the life and health of our church in how you support our purpose, values, mission, and services, volunteering time and talent in so many ways in addition to financial contributions.
Sunrise Chapel is alive with a compelling vision for the future and a strategic plan to focus and direct our decisions. We are working to improve our church and make the teachings of the New Church more accessible to the world. We have a long and proud history; we have resources, a plan, and a commitment to get the job done. Come, help us accomplish our mission!
Clicking the Donate button (above or below) will open a new secure tab or window in which you can process a donation using your credit or debit card or your PayPal account. You don’t need a PayPal account to use this service.
Thank you for considering a donation to Sunrise Chapel. We encourage you to give according to your hearts and abilities. Giving regularly to the general operating budget is one of the best ways to ensure the continuation and upbuilding of our noble causes.
Thank you for all you to do improve the vitality of the church!
Ways to give:
Sunrise Chapel uses PayPal to accept payments and donations. You don’t need to have a PayPal account if you want to use a credit or debit card. Click on the Donate button to get started on making a payment or donation.
Since this electronic method incurs some banking fees, we invite you to consider adding a small percentage to your gift to defray transaction expenses.
Checks can be mailed to:
Sunrise Chapel
8421 E Wrightstown Rd, Tucson, AZ 85715
Please make your checks payable to “Sunrise Chapel” and write a note in the memo if the donation is for a specific purpose. (We have a locked USPS mailbox to keep donations secure.)
Electronic Funds Transfer
With your authorization, our treasurer can help you set up an automatic deduction for the frequency you want and in the amount you choose from your financial institution. Regular contributions like this make a big difference in our ability to plan the church’s budget and meet financial obligations. Thank you – so much – for your thoughtfulness.
Alternative Gifts
We welcome alternative philanthropic gifts, such as planned gifts from estates, shares of stock, proceeds of a life insurance policy, designating the church as a beneficiary of a will, etc. Letting the treasurer know of your intent to provide such gifts is an important part of the church’s financial planning. Our church headquarters has a Director of Planned Giving, Mark Wyncoll, who is also available to help. Use the Contact us form or call our treasurer to discuss and learn more.
Give Freely
Freedom is a very foundational teaching of Sunrise Chapel and the New Church. In terms of giving financially to the church, freedom is key in cultivating voluntary generosity. Therefore, Sunrise Chapel does not suggest donations of any amount or percentage, but leaves members and friends in freedom to give according to their hearts and abilities. The Church then has the responsibility to use the generous gifts of its donors wisely in the service of the Lord.
Biblical stewardship includes many aspects, including volunteering time and talent. And the Bible frequently singles out financial generosity as representative of a person’s heart.
The Old Testament teaches: “Everyone shall give as he/she is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you.” Deuteronomy 16:17
In the New Testament the apostle Paul says, “Each person should give what he/she has decided from the heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Gift Cards
We encourage you to participate in our program for purchasing “gift cards” through Great Lakes Scrip. Each card you purchase “gives back” a percentage to the church. You get the full face value of the card, so it’s a way of donating without any additional out-of-pocket expense.
There are hundreds of cards to choose from, including grocery stores and gas stations as well as department stores and online merchants. Many cards can also be reloaded through with the same percentage donation going to the church each time.
For more information and to order cards, contact our Treasurer, Bill Smith.