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Watch our Sunday Service!


We broadcast through You Tube so that you can join us for worship no matter where in the world you are.

Marriage Ministry

We have a heart  for healthy relationships!

Hold an Event at Sunrise Chapel

 We welcome the community to rent our Chapel and Reception Hall.


Welcome to “the church with the heavenly view” – not just the panoramic view of the Catalina mountains, but our perspective on spiritual life.

Sunrise Chapel, in Tucson, AZ, is a congregation of the New Church, a New Christianity that teaches God’s timeless message with renewed clarity. We’re here to help people explore and develop a personal relationship with the God who loves us all. We believe what God wants for us, as Christians and as human beings, is to have loving, wise, and useful lives.

Whether you’re looking for a warm church community or seeking a more meaningful spiritual practice, we open our doors to you. We’re glad that your spiritual journey has led you here, and we look forward to welcoming you to a church service or small group soon.

Our Purpose and Core Values:

We invite you to join us in partnership with the Lord and each other in the practice of cultivating spiritual growth and choosing heavenly joy.